The Community Club is hosting their annual Independence Day BBQ on July 4th at 6:30pm. The Club will provide hot dogs, chips, beans, and punch and they ask that families bring a side dish or dessert and fireworks.
Reports of mailbox break-ins (even locked mail boxes) are up in the area. Surveillance cameras have recorded two ladies in a white minivan. Pick up your mail as soon as possible and if you are unable to pick up your mail consider renting a post office box at the Knights Ferry Post Office.
There are still unnecessary river rescues happening in the area. Please spread the word to your friends and family to check the river flow, pick up their garbage, and use life jackets and quality rafting equipment. Don’t be afraid to speak up! It saves lives.
The location of Knights Ferry Fire Station used to be a Blacksmith Shop that fulfilled the needs of the town and of those passing through the area. They hired multiple smiths to do jobs such as repairing wheels, axles, wagons and shoeing horses, mules, and oxen. Isaac Dakin and Lewis McLauflin opened the shop in June of 1853. But in October of 1928, a fire broke out in the shop and the closest fire department, the Oakdale Rural Fire Department, was 12 miles away and was only able to contain the blaze. In 1982, with the help of the county and donated supplies and labor, the current structure was built to resemble the original Dakin shop and turned over to the Oakdale Rural Fire Department to be used as their Station #2.
Contact Nastasia Sweet at
Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Tuesday, July 2 at 7:30pm Odd Fellows Stanislaus #170 meeting.