Breakfast Sunday dawned bright and clear with the daffodils and redbud trees blooming and the almond trees that were past their prime greening up and those just coming into bloom were puffs of pink. The sandhill cranes were heading north from their wintering spots, whirling in their large groups and making a funny call. The sporadic rain that we got helped the grass to grow (also the weeds).
Knights Ferry School played Valley Home in basketball and had a good time.
At the MAC meeting, Stanislaus County Supervisor Bill O’Brien reported on the hiring of more Sheriff’s Deputies and the building of the new addition to the jail in Ceres, to be done by 2016-2017. It will include a day reporting center for people that have to report in every day. California Highway Patrolman Chuck Leon reported the area has been quiet with just a few auto accidents. He said the CHP is short on staff right now. The charge for parking at the Army Corps parks was discussed.
Don’t forget Thursday, March 5 is the Community Club dessert meeting at 7 p.m. at the clubhouse.
The Knights Ferry Community Church is preparing for Easter. Every Wednesday before Easter they will gather at 6 p.m. for a soup supper.
Knights Ferry School is collecting “Pennies for Patients” on behalf of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to help fight blood cancers. Knights Ferry School will be joining other schools in Northern California and Nevada to raise funds for research. They will be collecting from March 2 to March 20.
Remember the War is coming, the Civil War that is, reenacted by the American Civil War Association on March 21 with battles at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. and March 22 with battles at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Gates open at 9 a.m. and all are invited to tour the camps. Saturday evening the Community Club will put on a spaghetti dinner and raffle starting at 5 p.m. Cost is $7 for adults and $4 for children under 10 years.