Former Knights Ferry residents Joe and Jeanette Evans are first time grandparents! On December 31st little Felix Lee Evans was born to Joe and Sue in Sacramento. Welcome to the world Felix!
Kindergarten/Transitional Kindergarten registration is Thursday, March 6th at Knights Ferry School. Contact the office at 881-3382 if you did not receive a registration packet.
At the MAC meeting in the Ferry, California Highway Patrol Officer Palazueos spoke on the deaths of the two officers in Fresno. He did not have any details on the body found at the Horseshoe Recreation Area. Supervisor Bill O’Brien told of the zoning change in the historical area in the Ferry. The AT&T building remodel has not started but the permits have been pulled. There was no old business but under new business Supervisor O’Brien gave Brendt Noon the oath of office. David Voortman spoke for River Journey. They want to remodel the doors of the shed that they rent from the Odd Fellows to look like the doors on the I.O.O. F. Hall and have a concrete slab in front. The plans were approved. Laura Simons asked for approval of solar panels on the side of their garage that faces south and cannot be seen from the roads. The MAC gave approval but cautioned others that approval for panels would be on a case by case basis as the Historical Zoning would not let them be seen from the road. Under Council comments, Ric Feichter told of attending the Fire Board meeting and said there are many questions to be answered about the merger of Oakdale Rural and Consolidated. The next board meeting will be in Valley Home and the April meeting will be in Knights Ferry. It is important to keep up on what is happening!
The First and Second Grades at KFS went to Modesto to the Gallo Center to see “Stuart Little”. Josh Reese thought it was good and liked when everything was so big and when Stuart got the ring out of the drain. Jenna O’Neil liked it when he tried to get in the mouse hole. The all had a good time. They have a new student in their class. Welcome to Pakali Leon.
The Kindergarten students were quacking up a storm Friday as Mrs. Holcomb gave them duckbills that quacked when you blew into them. She brought them back for the class from her trip to New Zealand (more next week on that).
The River’s Edge has reopened after renovation. There is new painting, new tile floors in the bathrooms and new fixtures, new deck rails, upgrades in the kitchen, new menu and new art on the walls. There are new staff members with Karalyn Ahrenholtz in charge. Chefs are Kim Taylor and Kevin Carter. They are open for dinner weekdays from 5-10 p.m. (closed Monday and Tuesday) and Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Check out the new mirrors in the restrooms, Benny did them!