This week we have happy news to share from the Denman family! Russell, Debbee, Bubba (James) and Tayler are former residents of Valley Home, who now live in Sherman, Texas. Russell and Debbee are doing well and are once again proud grandparents! We send congratulations on the birth of precious little Emma James Denman. Emma James is the daughter of Bubba and Brittany Denman! Emma James was welcomed home by big sisters, Maddie Grace who is one year old, and Adalyn Faith who is 6 years old and in first grade at Grayson Christian School. Proud dad, Bubba, is a foreman at Childrens Hospital in the maintenance department and also runs his own welding business. Here in Valley Home one of the many things we all remember so fondly about Bubba is his dedication to Valley Home 4-H and later his dedication to Oakdale High School FFA and his Cattle showing awards! It’s so nice to hear about Bubba and his growing family in the great state of Texas. Bubba’s wife Brittany is a photographer, and stays quite busy, especially during the holidays. Congratulations Brittany and Bubba and to the entire Denman family! We were so happy to hear that Tayler is doing very well and enjoying being the county extension agent. We also have happy memories of Tayler, here in Valley Home. Tayler also was an important member of our Valley Home 4-H; I have the sweetest memories of Tayler and my granddaughter Jenna, growing up in Valley Home 4-H and also of their many childhood antics in and around Valley Home. Precious memories for sure! Tayler now lives in Gainesville, Texas and is the County extension agent for nine surrounding counties in Oklahoma. Tayler can usually be found meeting with farmers helping them resolve forage or grazing issues. We are so proud of you Tayler! God bless the Denman family ... we sure miss you in Valley Home!
Last week we paid tribute to our veterans. Thursday was Veterans Day and our Oakdale parade route was lined with folks waving flags, saying “Thank You” and honoring our veterans! Many folks lining the streets were veterans themselves, many stepped into the street to shake the hands of the passing veterans, who had served our country many years before. We are grateful for the service of each and every veteran ... you are forever deeply appreciated! Thank you to those who worked so hard to make this parade a reality. I would also like to say a special “Thank You” to our Stanislaus County Sheriff, Jeff Dirkse, who served our country in war in Iraq and who now continues to serve each of us in the capacity of Stanislaus County Sheriff; we are grateful for your continued service! We deeply appreciate your commitment to keeping us safe. God bless each and every one of our veterans!
As always you may contact me by email at or by telephone at 209-985-5233.
Until next time … “Happy Trails to All!”