Five different committees have openings in the District 1 area of Stanislaus County represented by Supervisor Bill O’Brien.
There are two seats currently available on the Advisory Board on Substance Abuse Programs and two on the Mental Health Board, along with one opening on the Oakdale Rural Fire Protection District, one on the Library Advisory Board and one on the Stanislaus County Parks and Recreation Commission.
The Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors is seeking applicants to fill these openings. All interested volunteers are encouraged to visit the website, to obtain an application or get more information. Applications and information are also available from the Board of Supervisors on the sixth floor at 1010 10th St., Modesto or by calling 209-525-4494.
Other countywide vacancies, with no District specified, include an alternate on the Assessment Appeals Board, a specialty contractor representative needed for the Building Code Appeals Board and one public member for the Fire Code Board of Appeals.
Multiple openings exist on the following boards: Child Abuse Prevention Council of Stanislaus County, Earl Pride Scholarship Committee, Emergency Medical Services Committee, Housing Authority of the County of Stanislaus, In-Home Supportive Services Advisory Committee, Stanislaus Child Development Local Planning Council, Local Task Force on Solid Waste Management and County Hazardous Waste Management Advisory Committee.
The openings were announced on July 19.