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Fishing Report
0319 Robert Stevens
Robert Stevens shows the close to 30-pound catfish that he pulled in recently during a night fishing trip. He and his wife Debra are local residents and were fishing off Woodward Reservoirs T Island on Monday morning, March 10 around 1 a.m. when Stevens felt a bite, then saw exactly what was on his line. It was the catfish, so heavy it caused the line to break. Stevens said he then had to go in the water and finish the catch by hand. Stevens caught the catfish using night crawlers. Though not pulling in a monster this trip, wife Debra is also quite the fishing aficionado; she caught a catfish in Gustine in early 2013 that weighed close to 20 pounds. Dennis D. Cruz/The Leader

I’ve been putting off changing the bunks on my boat’s trailer for several years now. Anyone who owns a boat knows that the boards the boat rests on eventually wear down. Several years ago I made some replacement bunks and have been meaning to swap them out as soon as I had a chance. The biggest problem was that in order to swap out the bunks I needed the boat off the trailer. Yesterday, I was finally able to do just that as I had my 11-year-old son watching my boat while I was swapping out the bunks at the ramp. With the help of a cordless drill, I was able to finish the job within 20 minutes. Other than hitting my shin on one of the crossbeams of my trailer, everything went pretty smoothly. One of the best parts of the whole experience was the joke my son told me while I was backing the trailer into water. Question: When does a fisherman eat? Answer: At launch time.


Delta Report:

Bass fishing is good right now as anglers are doing well while tossing spinner baits across windblown tulle points. The bass are either spawning or getting ready to spawn right now making it an excellent time to get out on the water. The bite should only get better once we have another full moon.


New Melones Lake:

Trout fishing continues to be good; anglers are catching them on Power Bait and inflated worms combined with marshmallows. Anglers trolling for trout have been doing well while trolling the top 25 feet. The hot lures right now have been Apex lures and Cop Cars in shad imitating patterns. Bass fishing is picking up as a lot of fish have been cruising the shallows looking for areas to spawn. Senko’s have been working very well as a lot of fish are being caught while roaming the banks.


Lake Don Pedro:

News of a potential new lake record bass being caught by Mitch Melikian on a prototype swim bait has gotten the attention of anglers all over the state. After officially being weighed in at just over 15 lbs. it ended up being a few pounds shy of a new lake record. Trout fishing has picked up for those fishing the top 25 feet of water. Mexican Gulch, Jenkins Hill, Laughlin Island, and Middle Bay are areas that are producing plenty of nice fish right now. Bass fishing is fair right now as anglers are catching a lot of fish while fishing Senko’s and shaky head worms.


New Hogan:

Fishing is good right now on the lake for bass. Shaky head worms fished from the bank down to 30 feet deep is working for limits of bass. As the weather warms a bit look for the bass fishing to pick up even more as the bass are eager to move up shallow and spawn. Along with the bass seeking out the shallows the bluegills are also making their way shallow and can be caught on small worms and grubs.


Lake Amador:

Lake owners continue to plant large amounts of trout into the lake. Power bait fished on the bottom as well as under a bobber is the going technique right now. Bass fishing has started to pick up as anglers are starting to get a few while fishing crankbaits and jigs. While the trout are still shallow large trout imitating swimbaits are sure to entice a few followers at the least.


Tip of the Week:

As reluctant as I was to join the Senko craze in the spring of 2000, I’ve since given in. One of my pet peeves when using Senko’s has been their durability as they usually are destroyed after catching just one fish. I’ve since been turned onto a wacky rigging tool in order to slip an O ring onto the Senko for wacky rigging presentations. The tool has since paid for itself, as on some occasions I can catch up to five fish with one Senko. For those who are unwilling to pay for such a tool, I’m sure with a little ingenuity most can make their own version of the tool. The tool itself is nothing more than a hollowed out cylinder that an O ring can be threaded onto and rolled onto a Senko.