Oakdale families are invited to celebrate their loved ones with the Oak Valley Hospital Foundation’s Tree of Life. Donors can purchase a light on the tree in memory of a lost loved one or in honor of a survivor. Anyone can purchase a light and they are not specifically for one disease or disorder.
“It’s something everyone can do and it’s so personal. It’s a very special ceremony,” said Lana Casey, vice president of Oak Valley Hospital Foundation.
The Tree of Life lighting ceremony will include a candle lighting, performances by Oakdale High School Vocal Jazz singing Christmas songs, and an invocation by a local pastor. The tree will be placed on top of the hospital entrance this year and will be a wire tree.
Issues with accessibility made foundation staff decide not to use the live tree from previous years.
“Next year we hope to have an actual tree in the lobby of the new hospital building. But for this year I think they did a good job with the wire tree,” Casey said.
The Tree of Life is an annual fundraiser for the Oak Valley Hospital Foundation, but Casey said the ceremony is about more than money. Each light costs $10, but it represents a special relationship with a loved one.
The ceremony can be moving for family or friends who have lost a loved one, for any reason, or who want to celebrate a survivor.
The lighting ceremony will take place at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 5 in front of the Oak Valley Hospital. The hospital Auxiliary will be providing refreshments.
Deadline for buying a tree light is Dec. 1, and they can be purchased by calling the foundation at 848-4116.
Tree Of Life Lights Hope For Families