Oakdale Rotary will once again present a one of a kind event as they host the Eighth Annual Wine Extravaganza on Saturday, Sept. 9 at 6 p.m. The annual event will be hosted at the Oakdale Golf and Country Club. Tickets are $50 per person (21 and over). Proceeds from this year’s event will be donated to OHS Ag Department and the Astro Foundation.
“It’s typically about $5,000 we give to whatever organization,” Rotarian, Mary Guardiola stated, making note that the total funds will be separated into two checks for this year’s recipients.
A variety of 150 wines from 75 wineries will be featured for attendees to sample, as well as hors d’oeuvres and some beer samplings. Special to the event, those in attendance are welcome to not just taste the large variety but purchase as well at 10 percent above cost per case.
Guardiola shared the event typically draws approximately 50 percent locals and 50 percent out of town wine enthusiasts.
“The more people we can bring to town, the better,” she said.
“The interaction with the community is my favorite,” she continued. “It’s like everything else in Oakdale. You get together and it’s fun. Also, we get a lot of people from out of Oakdale that come.”
In addition to the wine tasting, beer sampling and food, raffle tickets are offered at $20 per ticket and a live auction is presented midway through the event.
Raffle tickets are drawn for a number of items, the most notable are a $500, $300 and $200 credit toward cases of wine which can be used that night.
Tickets for the event are available at the door, but may also be purchased in advance at Oakdale Chamber of Commerce, Astro Foundation Gift Shop, Oakdale Golf and Country Club or from an Oakdale Rotarian.
Oakdale Rotary provides funds and support to a number of community organizations including: school sites, Oakdale Ministerial Association, Oakdale Youth Sports Association, Relay For Life, Northern California Junior Golf, Community Sharing, Community Senior Center and many more.
“The Ag Department, with the school farm … there’s a lot of need out there,” Guardiola said of the club’s recipient choice. “There’s a lot of vocational things being done out there and we’re a big supporter of that.”
Also deserving of financial assistance, she noted, is the Astro Foundation.
“Astro has been a big supporter of a lot of things in town,” she continued. “So they need some funds and fund raising as well.”
For additional information on the event call 847-2984 ext. 104 or email rschultz@oakdalegcc.org.