A special meeting of the Stanislaus Consolidated Fire Protection District Board of Directors is scheduled for Thursday, July 26 at 7 p.m.
The session will be hosted at the Station 26 Meeting Room at 3318 Topeka St., in Riverbank.
Main item on the agenda for the special session is considering adoption of a resolution to levy and collect charges within the Stanislaus Consolidated Fire Protection District Special Benefit Assessment Rate for fiscal year 2018-2019. The board is expected to discuss the assessment rate and potential implications on the preliminary budget/final budget for the District.
The board is required to annually review and set rates for the Special Benefit Assessment program. The Special Benefit Assessment started in fiscal year 2005-2006 and “continues to be the most prominent and secure revenue source for the District,” according to officials. It provides the majority of the revenue needed by the District to provide the “required and expected services” to the communities it serves.
The board is expected to consider a 3 percent increase but it could also choose to budget for no increase in the assessment.