Birthday greetings for the month of March go out to: Bill Frias, Tom Wright, Rick Maisel, Shavon Haskell, Rocky Goehring, Pat Johnson, Aaron Hodge, Brendt Ohe, Aislinn Finn, Richard Bell, Kara Lopez, Amber Coston, Bill Martinelli, Gayle Higgins, Danna Morgan, Mark Schlegel, Kim McCarthy, Wendy Burns, Grant Page, Luke Dickens, Levi Dickens, Taylor Kelley, Gracie Anderson, Bryce Anderson, Anthony Neely, Carter Sturtevant, Sergio Garcia, and Ken Morris.
Condolences go out to Ellen Wearin and family on the death of Ellen’s sister Barbara.
Ken Morris was the recipient of the “Birthday Song” at the 50’s Roadhouse last Wednesday.
The second trimester assembly was held for Knights Ferry students last Friday. Those students with a 4.0 GPA were Dean Dodge, Denali Benson, Mikali Willis, Wyatt Dickens, Kaeli Sweet, Brooks Bonde, Julia Nilsson and Ray Patton. Students with a 3.0 to 3.9 GPA were Dylan Anderson, Luke Dickens, Maribel Limon, Dakota Voortman, Anthony Neely, Marcada Baker, Nicole Brunker, Mitzy Collantes, Olivia Doshas, Makena Mendonca, Destiny Machado, Jazzlynn Velasquez, Matt Wolf, Tyden Baker, Eden Cassinetto, Angel Limon, Austin Santillo, Alyssa Sisco, Sergio Garcia, Aleesha Harden, Clay Heffington, Alondra Machado, Kylee Sisco and Megan Willis. Keep up the good work!
Former Pumpkin Roll announcer Ted Bhend of Oakdale has passed away from the cancer that caused him to give up his announcing job.
The Community Club’s Spaghetti Dinner was a huge success. Thanks to all who helped make this so successful and brought in needed money to upgrade the air and heat.
The cannons boomed and soldiers scurried reenacting battles of the Civil War last weekend. The hillside was full of spectators watching the battles. Good weather and a good turnout of soldiers and spectators. At the Covered Bridge there was a dedication ceremony and plaque presentation because the bridge is now a National Historic Monument. Army Lieutenant Cornel Tandy made the presentation and ribbon cutting and unveiling of the plaque. Heather Wright, Head Ranger and Park Manager Duane Johnson also spoke.
April is around the corner so here are some dates for the calendar: April 3rd Community Club dinner meeting at 6:30 at the clubhouse. April 5th Car Show around the Ferry, sponsored by the Community Club. April 6th is Breakfast Sunday at the I.O.O.F. Hall. April 8th is the meeting of the History and Museum Associates who will be finalizing plans for the Peddler’s Faire. April 9th is Garden Club at the home of Mary Sue Shearer at 10:00 a.m. April 10th is the School board meeting at 5:30 at the school. April 12-13 is the Oakdale Rodeo with the parade on the 12th. April 20th is Easter. April 24th is the MAC meeting at 7:00 p.m. at the clubhouse. April 27th is the annual Peddler’s Faire at the Knights Ferry Recreation area.