At the MAC meeting to be held Thursday, June 26th, the slurry seal of all the streets in the Ferry will be discussed. The meeting is at 7:00 p.m. at the clubhouse. The sealing of the streets will be July 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. There will be no cars or pedestrians allowed on the seal for two hours. The first streets to be done are Dent past Vantine and Vantine and Main Street on the 1st. The next day will be Lynde, Shurl, Dean and the rest of Dent. Day three will be Ellen Street and in front of the River’s Edge, the Plaza and to Cemetery Road. If you have any questions come to the meeting.
At the Knights Ferry School Board meeting, held the 20th because of the items needed from the county, the 2014-2015 budget was discussed. One part of the budget is the LCSP or Local Control Accountability Plan. Shirley Buell, Director of Business Services of the County Office of Education discussed the budget and LCAP. On June 26th there will be a Board meeting to adopt the budget and the Strategic Plan. It will be at 5:30 at the school. The board changed the Interdistrict Agreement Form to be clearer to the parents. The Common Core Expenditures Plan was approved.
The Food Service agreement with Oakdale will stay the same. The trees at the school were pruned to eliminate hazards. Teachers are already working in their rooms for next year.
Manny Arias was the recipient of the “Birthday Song” last Wednesday at the 50’s Roadhouse.
June is drawing to a close so here are some dates for your June/July calendar. June 26th –School Board 5:30 and MAC at 7:00p.m., July 1st-3rd slurry seal on roads, July 3-Community Club picnic at clubhouse 6:00p.m. with club providing hot dogs and drinks, July 6th Breakfast Sunday at the I.O.O.F. Hall from 8 a.m. to noon, July 8th History and Museum Associates meeting at 9:00a.m. in Miller’s Hall and July 10th movie night at dusk.