The Knights Ferry Junior High will be serving their delicious Community Thanksgiving Feast at the Community Club on November 26 from 11am-12pm. After they decorate the hall with homemade Thanksgiving decorations, Mr. Russell and parents will supervise the students as they prepare a feast of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, rolls, and even pie! The community is invited to attend.
The third and fourth graders of Knights Ferry School traveled up the hill for a field trip to Yosemite last week! They took a guided trail tour with one of the rangers and even saw a black bear in the Yosemite Falls area. They stopped by the Native American museum to learn about basket weaving and the Native American culture. We are so fortunate to live so close to Yosemite because travelers come from all over the world to visit Half Dome and waterfalls!
Christmas in Knights Ferry is December 1st! The parade will be led by Benny and his tractor and will begin sometime around noon in front of the River’s Edge. It will be a great day to get breakfast at the Odd Fellows and maybe do some Christmas shopping at the local shops until the parade begins. Additionally, the Community Club will be trimming their tree in preparation for their Christmas Dinner soon after the parade ends. If you are a member of the Community Club and would like to participate, please go to the Club after the parade!
The weather has been great to celebrate birthdays! Happy birthday to everyone with a November birthday: Bob Brunker, John Krick, Jason Sweet, Rossi Glover, Will Hoefer, Alex Krippner, Roger Ray, Amy Ehrlich, Bill Higgins, Ben Cassinetto, Wyatt Dickens, Tristan McCarthy, Megan Willis, Taylor Witzke, Dayne Sturtevant, Randy Russell, Ashtyn Sibley, Nathan Cabanero, Colton Camara, Ashlynn Henry, Gian Kleinert, and Ema Houser!
Have you noticed the large red garbage can in front of the Odd Fellows Hall? Please put your gently used or new shoes to support Knights Ferry School. This is a dual-purpose fundraiser because it supports our local education and a program called Funds2Orgs help families in need in countries such as Haiti and Honduras. They will be collecting shoes until January 21st! Thank you, Laura Watson for organizing such a wonderful program!
Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Thursday, Nov. 21 7:30pm Odd Fellows Bald Mtn Encampment #4 meeting
If you have items for the Knights Ferry News column, contact Nastasia Sweet at