Our good friend Laura Burghardt is at Oak Valley Rehab and Nursing Center in Oakdale. Laura would love visits from her friends, please drop in and say hello if you can! Laura and her husband Glenn have been a very important part of our Valley Home Community for many years. Laura wrote the Valley Home News for 38 years and has volunteered at most all dinners and fundraising efforts in Valley Home. Laura and husband Glenn had the honor of being the first Grand Marshals of our Valley Home Community Lighted Christmas Parade 14 years ago! Laura, we hope you feel better very soon ... We love you and appreciate all you have done over the years for our community!
Last week Cindy Fleischer had the opportunity to have a quick chat with our Valley Home School Custodian Dennis McCutcheon, Cindy stopped by the school to let Dennis know how he and his staff are appreciated! A long time Valley Home resident, Cindy has seen the school in good times and in some not so good times in terms of upkeep. She noticed that our Valley Home School was looking especially beautiful and stopped to share the appreciation with Dennis. We send a huge thank you to all who have worked so hard to make our school look so nice!
Please remember to mark your calendar for Tuesday August 6th. Valley Home along with many other communities will celebrate National Night Out at 6:00 p.m. in the park. Please join us for a delicious potluck dinner; drinks and table service will be provided. Bring your favorite dish and a friendly smile, it will be a great evening. We expect a flyover by the Stanislaus County Sheriff helicopter, visits from Fire, CHP, Sheriff Dept., county officials and a guest speaker! Please consider sharing any photos you may have of the history of Valley Home! It is going to be a very special evening. Any questions please call Winnie at 209-985-5233.
Congratulations to all our fair winners! If you have fair results you would like to share, please let me know!
As always you may contact me with information, send it to winniemullins51@gmail.com. Until next time, “Happy Trails To All!”