We salute all who serve ... “Freedom is not Free”... We are eternally grateful to each of you who have served or are serving our great country! With Memorial Day this Monday, May 30, we are especially mindful of the sacrifices made. We will join together to remember our fallen veterans. It is a day of solemn remembrance at many cemeteries in our area and across our country. We will never forget the sacrifice so many made so that we will forever live free.
In Valley Home our 4-Hers and our community honor our veterans each year; they make sure our Veterans know they are forever loved, respected, and forever appreciated. Our Valley Home community and our Valley Home 4-H salutes our country’s Veterans!
Memorial Day is a very special day, a day to honor every Veteran; we are very proud and thankful to our Veterans each and every day!
We send a very heartfelt ‘Thank You’ to the families of our Veterans; each one of you has given so much to our country! Your support at home, the tender letters written and posted to a loved one serving our great nation over the years, we appreciate your service to our country. You and your families’ sacrifices will never be forgotten.
Coming up on Monday, May 30 at 10 a.m., our 4-Hers and members of our community will come together to honor each of our Veterans at our Valley Home Memorial Park on Lone Tree Road in Valley Home; all are welcome. “Let Freedom Ring!”
As always you may contact me by email at winniemullins51@gmail.com or by telephone at 209-985-5233.
Until next time, “Happy Trails to All!”