Happy Thanksgiving to All!
Tomorrow we will once again gather with family and friends around tables laden with very special dishes. We have waited for so long to be able to share a Thanksgiving prayer and a bountiful dinner table together with those we love!
Here in Valley Home we will also celebrate the joy of living in such a very special place ... a place where our rural, peaceful lifestyle will never be taken for granted, but always deeply appreciated by each of us.
Our community is blessed with caring people and generous hearts. Our Valley Home school is amazing ... with great teachers and school staff. This past Friday I watched as our school superintendent, school staff, coaches, parents, family, and friends watched as our Valley Home Students enjoyed a most beautiful day playing football and volleyball outdoors. It was indeed a very special day. Sunshine and laughter filled the air in Valley Home.
We are so grateful for our well stocked General Store. We are thankful for our beautiful churches and all who attend their services. We feel very blessed to have the Knudsen Family Nursery; this amazing family is always ready to help with every community event. Their support is always very generous and is deeply appreciated by our community. Our Valley Home community enjoys a beautiful Community Park! A park maintained by caring community members, and supported by community fundraisers. We are definitely blessed to live in such a special place. To each of you who give so generously and work so hard throughout the year, we say “Thank You!”
Tomorrow as we celebrate a very special Thanksgiving, once again we are able to join hands around a bountiful dinner table ... let us be thankful to our Heavenly Father. Regardless of our personal circumstances, I hope each of you can find joy and thankfulness in this very special day! May God bless each of our Thanksgiving tables. For any of you that may be alone this Thanksgiving, please reach out; our churches and our caring town is here for you ... you are important, and you are loved.
Tomorrow as we say “Thank You” around the family table let us also remember those who are not with family and friends on this day; let’s say a special prayer for our first responders, our medical workers, our military, and all those who cannot be with loved ones on this Thanksgiving Day. May God bless us all, Thanksgiving 2021.
As always you may contact me by email at winniemullins51@gmail.com or by telephone at 209-985-5233.
Until next time, “Happy Thanksgiving to All!”