This week we send our deepest sympathy to our dear friend County Supervisor Buck Condit, on the passing of his dear mother Vicky Condit. Many of you knew and loved Vicky; she gave the most tender care to each of her patients and truly loved each of the folks she cared for. Buck and his brother Brock have both spent much time here in Valley Home at community events; their beautiful mother Vicky raised them to be very kind and caring. Vicky loved her precious family and each of them loved her back very, very deeply. She was the heart of this amazing family! It is a great comfort to know that Vicky is with our Heavenly Father, she was a woman of tremendous faith. We send our thoughts, and our prayers to her loving family. Rest in the Arms of Jesus dear Vicky, you will be forever missed and forever deeply loved.
I hope you are each enjoying the beautiful fall colors! Here in Valley Home the last beautiful rice field is turning the most amazing color of harvest yellow gold. Our almond trees are being harvested, soon walnuts, and the sound of the harvesters working to bring in the fall crops provide a happy peaceful sound to many of us, (not the dust) so nice to hear the sound of all the harvest machines. We are very blessed to live in such a wonderful place!
Please remember that Wednesday, October 12 there will be an important “Lockdown Training” at and around our Valley Home School from 1pm until 4pm. This is a “lockdown training” Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department and other first responders are aware of. There will be no children on campus during this training, staff only. Sounds of gunfire will be heard, as training involves discharging blank rounds. Please call the school with any questions at 209-847-0117.
Wednesday, October 12, our MAC (Valley Home Municipal Advisory Council) will meet at 6:30 pm. We will meet in the Bonnie Gellerman Room at Valley Home School. I am told that Valley Home School Principal Bill Slikker will be there to share information about the school “Lockdown Training”. We also look forward to hearing from our Stanislaus County Supervisor Buck Condit, our Sheriff’s Department, our Fire Department, and our CHP. Please join us, ask questions, or share your thoughts, everyone is welcome!
Thursday, October 13, our Fire Board will meet at 10am. The meeting will be held at our Valley Home Fire Station. Please come, share your thoughts, and ask any questions you may have. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend!
As always you may reach me by email at or by telephone at 209-985-5233.
Until next time, “Happy Trails to All!”