Wow, when God brought us rain, He really brought us RAIN! May our pastures, our orchards, our fields, our yards and especially our gardens grow in abundance this spring.
This week I would like to share a bit of information about our Valley Home MAC. The name Valley Home MAC is the abbreviated form of the actual name “Valley Home Municipal Advisory Council”. I hope you all will attend the next meeting in April. Great information!
It has been brought to our attention that many of you might like to have more information on how the MAC serves Valley Home. The Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors established Municipal Advisory Councils throughout the unincorporated areas, to advise the Board on various matters. Stanislaus County has nine MACs. The first MAC was established in 1983 in Knights Ferry.
A Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) as formed by California Government Code Section 31010 is an advisory body of local citizens either elected or appointed by the Board of Supervisors with the purpose of representing the community to the Board of Supervisors. The MAC meeting offers a designated place, date and time for our community to voice our questions, thoughts, concerns, and our compliments to our Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors. Most of our meetings are attended by CHP, Sheriff’s Department, Fire Department, County Supervisor Buck Condit, Public Works, Erica Ignacio, Valley Home School Superintendent, and our citizens. These folks bring important information to us and they always welcome any questions we may have. They are knowledgeable on all fronts and are happy to share that knowledge with all of us. It is very important that we attend these meetings, ask questions, share our thoughts or just learn what is happening in our community. The meetings are usually not very long but provide so much great information. Our Valley Home Municipal Advisory Council meets quarterly. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be on April 12, 2023 at 6:30 pm. The meetings are held in the Bonnie Gellerman Multi-Purpose Room at our Valley Home School.
Remember, your presence, your thoughts, your participation, are very important in keeping our community informed and keeping our community the safe rural community it is. You are important!
At our last MAC Meeting on January 11th, reports on flooding throughout the county and reports on local flooding concerns from our community were shared. Dennis McCutcheon shared his concern on PG&E removing a street light in Valley Home; more information to come. Also concerns were shared over the continued rain storms bringing water into our beautiful gymnasium; this issue is also being addressed! Jessica Caudle and Supervisor Condit shared that “No Parking” signs during school hours will soon be in place and hopefully soon a sidewalk in place so that our students can walk from one campus to the other safely! Oakdale school board candidate, Eric Kjeldgaard introduced himself and shared a bit about he and his family, their love of serving and his hopes of serving on the Oakdale School Board. The election will be on March 7th, 2023 and is mail in ballot only.
We were excited to meet our new Community Resource Officer from our Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department. Deputy Sheriff Bret Babbitt will serve our community as our resource officer. He will be attending our MAC meetings and sharing information from the Sheriff’s Office with us. He will also answer our questions. We welcome you, Valley Home Community Resource Officer Bret Babbitt!
As always you may contact me with any information you would like to have shared in this column at or by telephone at 209-985-5233.
Until next time, “Happy Trails to All!”