Hi all, it’s amazing how fast our New Year is going! It’s hard to believe it is already January 12; hopefully your New Year is getting off to a great start!
While watching the New Year come in from my hospital room, fireworks lighting up the Modesto sky, and although I allowed myself to be totally scared (never ever thought I would actually have a heart attack) but there I was ... heart attack ... I am so thankful to the most wonderful doctors and nurses who took care of me. With God’s amazing help, they fixed me right up. Again, a “Thank You” to each of you that said a prayer for me!
In this week’s column I would like to offer a very special thank you to doctors, nurses, and all medical staff everywhere who work so hard to give the absolute best care possible in every situation. You are each appreciated beyond words! Your dedication to giving amazing care has you on your feet constantly, much of the time giving up personal time to be at bedsides caring for those who need you. Whether it be a comforting word or a lifesaving treatment you are always there; may God bless each of you!
This week I would also like to once again say thank you to our amazing first responders; God has called the very best to this special profession. Day and night they are ready, highly trained and highly skilled, they are there for us! We could never say “Thank You” enough to these dedicated men and women. You are truly appreciated beyond words.
I would like to say thank you to our brave women and men in our military! They strive night and day, to keep this world a safe place for each of us. Their lives are on the line every day. Many leave their families for long periods of time to serve our great country and to keep each of us safe. We are so grateful!
I would like to say thank you to teachers and school staffs everywhere. Your dedication and caring, the personal hours spent long after class is out; you are appreciated by so many! Thank you for going the extra mile. COVID has caused such disruption in the classroom; your job is far from easy. Thank you for dedicating yourself to filling in the missed learning experiences, trying to make up for lost years in the classroom. We are very thankful to each of you!
We send a heartfelt thank you to our churches everywhere and to all those who choose to read the Bible at home; we are blessed by a mighty God! I always tell my grandchildren: “We don’t have to be perfect ... we do need to believe in God!”
I hope you each have a Blessed New Year!
As always, you may reach me by email at winniemullins51@gmail or by telephone at 209-985-5233. Until next time, “Happy Trails to All!”