A special event hosted by the Radio Control Flyers Unlimited, RCFU, group out of Oakdale, is putting on a two-day “Spring Fling” this weekend.
Registration opens at 7:30 a.m. and the fee is $45, which includes a free barbecue dinner on Saturday, May 5 after flying. Pilot’s meeting begins at 8:30 a.m. and flying begins at 9 a.m.
All IMAC classes including Freestyle and Seniors will be flown. The freestyle rounds will be flown Saturday and Sunday around noon. Beginners are welcome and there is no fee for first-time basic flyers.
The RCFU flying field is on the north shore of Woodward Reservoir. Take Highway 120 to 26-Mile Road north of Oakdale, then turn right on Eastman Road, just north of the reservoir, follow it about two miles to the field. The field address is 7984 Eastman Road.
All IMAC and AMA safety guidelines will be in effect for the competition.
For more information, contact Contest Director Wayne Dickey at 916-276-3322 or Contest Coordinator Santiago Robillos at 531-5848.