If you have ever received a birthday gift wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper, you might have a birthday in December! Happy birthday Katie Feichter, Amanda Russell, Denise Ray, Charles Wong, Lisa Frymire, Fred Dolling, Charlie Mynatt, Cathy Murray, Nicole Brunker, Haley Page, Annette Arias, Nadia Lau-Vargas, Colin Gibson, Jeremy Ryan, Kayla Canterbury, Joshua Maceira, David Kouassi, Aubrey Sibley, Brandon Williams, Dylan Alvear Bamaca, and Gabriella Gonzalez.
Everyone knows the parade doesn’t start until the tractor rolls through town and this year that was a little after 12 p.m. on Sunday. Benny’s tractor towed a trailer with Santa singing Christmas songs. The Christmas parade was full of golf carts, tractors, and quads decorated with holiday cheer.
Last minute reminder! Everyone is invited to the Community Club’s Christmas dinner at 6 p.m. on December 7th. If your last name begins with A-M: bring a side dish and if your last name begins with N-Z: bring a dessert. Be sure to pick up a tag from the Christmas tree to help a local person or family during the holiday season.
Dakota Voortman and Kaeli Sweet travelled to Corona, California for the weekend to volunteer in the Operation Christmas Child Processing Center. Approximately 1.4 million Christmas boxes full of gifts for children in need around the world will pass through the Southern California facility. The girls carefully sealed up boxes headed to children in Indonesia.
Knights Ferry school had their first trimester Renaissance assembly also featuring positive traits; kindness, creativity, and respect. They will have a holiday store open before and after school for the week where students can purchase Christmas gifts for their loved ones and maybe even a few items for themselves!
Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Thursday, December 7, 6 p.m. Christmas Dinner @ Community Club.