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Community Briefs 3.16.22

Community Briefs provides a listing of events and activities going on in and around the Oakdale, Riverbank and Escalon areas. To have an event featured, e-mail the information to


Corned Beef Dinner

Members of the Escalon Lions Club are hosting a traditional Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner, with tickets available at $25 per person for the Thursday, March 17 event. The evening begins with a no host bar at 6 p.m., followed by the dinner service at 7 p.m., at the Escalon Community Center. There will also be to-go dinners as well as the sit down service inside. Tickets are available from Lions Club members and can also be purchased at Escalon Body and Frame, 2228 Main St., Escalon. In addition to the dinner, those attending in person will have the chance to purchase tickets for a variety of raffle items, participate in a silent auction, a live auction and enjoy live music with an Irish flair.


Craft Fair Upcoming

A Spring Craft Fair is being planned at the North Modesto Church of God, 1918 Sherwood Ave., Modesto, for Saturday, March 19 as a fundraiser for the 2022 Relay For Life. Roughly two dozen vendors will be on site with a variety of wares; proceeds from booth fees and ticket sales for raffle drawings are split between the American Cancer Society and the North Modesto Church of God. For more information about the craft fair, contact Irene Cortez at


Jeans And Jewels

Soroptimist International of Oakdale will host its annual Motor Madness fundraiser on Saturday, March 26, at 6:30 p.m., at the Gene Bianchi Community Center, 110 S. Second Ave., Oakdale. Guests are encouraged to dress in country attire for the “Jeans and Jewels” theme. The event includes hearty appetizers, wine, beer, soft drinks, and dessert. Tickets are $100 each and admits two adults (must be 21 years or older) to the event and constitutes one entry for the many door prize drawings. Only 400 tickets will be sold for this fun event. For tickets, contact Deborah Tussing at (209) 844-9045. All throughout the Oakdale-Riverbank-Escalon area are welcome to attend.


Seeking Mural Funds

A new Rodeo mural planned for the south wall of the H-B Saloon on East F Street near the Oakdale Cowboy Museum and bronze cowboy statue has been approved and officials hope to have it completed in time for the 2022 Oakdale PRCA Rodeo on April 9 and 10. OakdaleARTS is coordinating the project and relies on generous donations to fund each project and pay the artist. OakdaleARTS has partnered with Oakdale Women’s Club, a non-profit 501c3 organization, to receive and distribute funds for art community projects. To help get this latest mural completed, send checks payable to: Oakdale Women’s Club, P.O. Box 501, Oakdale, CA 95361 - reference OakdaleARTS in the memo line.


Testicle Festival Set

Oakdale Rotary Club will once again present its Testicle Festival, set for Monday, March 28 with this year marking the 39th event. Tickets for the dinner are currently being sold by Rotarians, Oakdale Chamber of Commerce as well as on-line at Tickets are $75 in advance and $85 at the door. Accompanying the rocky mountain oysters on the menu will be chicken, chili, salad, bread, tortillas and salsa. The event will be hosted at the Oakdale FES Hall. Hosted bar begins at 6 p.m. and dinner is served at 7 p.m. For additional information on Oakdale Rotary or the Testicle Festival, call 209-847-2244.


Enjoy Dancing

Check out the Golden Agers at the Riverbank Community Center on Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., with dancing, socializing, live music and fun for all. All adults 55-plus are welcome. Drop in, or become a member. Fees are $5 for members and $6 for non-members. Membership is $15; contact Ellie DeJesus at 209-277-5584 or Lupe Padron at 209-573-5014. The Community Center is at 3600 Santa Fe St., Riverbank.


Weight Loss Support

All interested are welcome to join TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) a weight support group that meets in Oakdale every Monday morning from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the Community United Methodist Church on Poplar. This group is open to the public and anyone interested in improving their life by losing weight can contact Audrey for more information, call 209-765-7838.


Widowed Persons Meet

Oakdale Widowed Persons Group invites you to join them the first Saturday of each month for breakfast at 9 a.m. and on the third Tuesday of each month for lunch at 1 p.m.; call for locations. All are welcome to join the group no matter how long ago you lost your spouse. For more information, contact Barbara at (209)-322-2184.