Dear Editor,
As I write this letter on Thursday afternoon (Oct., 29), I do not know the outcome of the election. The votes will not be counted until late night November 3rd.
What I do know, however, is the gratitude I have to those people of Oakdale and the surrounding area who gave me their support. We sent out hundreds of letters seeking support by endorsement, yard signs, assistance with flyers, letters to the editor and telling their friends about the quality of the school district and specifically my accomplishments. We did this on an ‘at home’ level with no paid assistance. The letters went to local voters with no regard to political party. I personally do not believe party politics and big out of town money belong in educational elections, especially (an) Oakdale educational election. We sent them to those folks we know who live in the district and care about our schools and the children that are or will be attending them. We did not ask for monetary contributions although many did return unsolicited dollar assistance. That was helpful as there is a lot of expense even at this level of seeking votes.
I am very thankful for those residents, family and friends who believe in what I have done and how I have tried to improve the school system. My everlasting gratitude will always be foremost in my thoughts.
William Dyer