Dear Editor,
When do we stop passing Bonds and Measures that result in “Taxing Ourselves.”
When do the political ads stop using Seniors as the targets and when do we stop putting fear into the community that if a Measure is not passed that our city will inevitably go into Bankruptcy.
When do our Elected Officials take responsibility for our City of Oakdale’s Financial Fiasco. Why was our 2014-2015 budget passed with such large purchases included that was just approved this month for the purchase of three Public Works trucks at $208,254 if our city is in such dire straits. Even if this money was set aside in a special funds account, why not purchase one truck, turn on more street lights, help fund the community pool or support our Senior center, then as our economy improves purchase those items that were on the wish list.
Residents must also remember that our Water and Sewer rates increased in 2013 and 2014 and are getting ready to be raised again in January 2015 and each year after until 2018.
Our Fire Departments have consolidated and our Police Departments have taken on additional Dispatching service for the City of Newman which has resulted in hiring additional Police Department personnel that frees up our Police Officers from clerical duties and allows more Police patrol. Maybe our Elected Officials need to work on getting more Businesses in Oakdale to get more Sales tax revenue so we spend our money in our city instead of Riverbank and Modesto. We are no longer the small community we once were. We are a City now with more housing going in and no businesses. So in order to Maintain our Quality of Life in Oakdale, quit spending frivolously and depending so much on our money.
Bonds and Measures never go away unless we start voting No.
So vote “NO” on the extension of Measure Y. The original Measure O didn’t do what was promised and neither will Measure Y. Join me and many others and vote “No” on the Continuation of higher sale Tax Measure “Y”.
Alice Garcia