While the local Relay For Life has been put on hold, those planning to participate and those interested in learning more about the American Cancer Society’s signature fundraising event can join in a ‘virtual Relay’ on Saturday afternoon, April 25.
Scheduled at 4 p.m. EST – which is 1 p.m. California time – the virtual Relay USA will be livestreamed on multiple platforms. Go to the Relay For Life Facebook page to join, the Relay For Life YouTube channel or visit the Relay USA Facebook page.
Planned are opening ceremonies, a guest speaker, and Relayers from around the country will be posting photos and messages, displaying decorated luminaria bags, setting up ‘campsites’ and more. Cancer survivors are also encouraged to ‘attend’ by wearing their purple shirts and joining the virtual event.
The Relay For Life of Oakdale-Riverbank-Escalon-Waterford was originally scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, May 2 and 3. Plans are to offer a shorter event sometime later this year when large gatherings are once again allowed.
Look to the April 29 issue of the paper for the latest updates regarding the local Relay.
Information posted online by the American Cancer Society offers this message: “The virtual Relay USA experience lets us stand together, even though we’re apart. Our mission matters more than ever, so we’re calling on all Relay participants and American Cancer Society supporters to join this online celebration Saturday, 4/25 at 4pm EST, where you’ll enjoy all the traditional event elements you love, from the opening ceremony and survivor lap to caregiver recognition and a Luminaria ceremony. Learn More: https://bit.ly/2JXYnQQ”