Recognizing a need to help unemployed and underemployed residents get back on their feet, San Joaquin Delta College is announcing the “1,000 Internship Initiative” to provide paid internships for students while helping them develop the skills they need to join the workforce.
The College is fronting $2 million to provide the internships for employers, matched by another $2 million from San Joaquin County after a unanimous vote by the Board of Supervisors.
Delta College has coordinated student internships for decades, but never at such a large scale.
“We are committed to getting our students back to work as soon as possible,” said Superintendent/President Dr. Omid Pourzanjani. “I’m grateful to members of the county Board of Supervisors, especially Chairman Tom Patti for his leadership in securing matching funds. I encourage employers across our region to participate in this program and help us put students and their families on the path toward a living wage.”
A special webinar for employers is scheduled for noon on Thursday, May 6. A registration link is available at
“As the Board of Supervisors chairman and a Delta alumnus, I am thrilled to have staff and full Board support on this monumental career and job training program,” said Supervisor Patti. “This is a ‘win-win’ for students, employees, and our community”
Here’s how the initiative will work:
• Delta College will fund the internships and cover liability. The College will also help connect students with employers.
• Employers will create 12-week internship opportunities and assign tasks and projects to interns. Employers are also asked to consider donating an amount equal to 25 percent of interns’ salaries to the Delta College Foundation, ensuring the program will continue into the future.
• Students will work 20 hours a week with wages of at least $15 an hour. There is no guarantee or expectation of employment following the internship.
Students who are ready to enter the workforce often encounter employers who prefer candidates with experience in their field. The new initiative provides a much-needed opportunity for students to apply their learned skills and get that experience, while also addressing their financial needs.
Internships may be offered across a wide range of career education programs at Delta College, from traditional vocational programs like automotive technology and welding, to early childhood education, electron microscopy, and multimedia programs.
Employers who want to learn more are encouraged to join the May 6 webinar. They can also reach out to Michelle Castanon, program manager of Delta’s Workforce Development Center, at
Additional details and updates as the initiative is developed will be posted at