Stanislaus County Alliance Worknet in partnership with Computer Tutor Business and Technical Institute is offering no cost training or paid work experience for individuals ages 17 to 24.
This opportunity is available to any person who lives in Stanislaus County and is able to meet the eligibility requirements. Qualified youth may receive training and job placement assistance at no cost. For over 30 years, Computer Tutor Business and Technical Institute have offered this hands-on career training.
Eligible participants may receive free tuition for training in one of the following areas: Administrative Medical Clerk including medical billing and medical terminology, Administrative Accounting Clerk includes basic bookkeeping, QuickBooks, accounts payable/receivable and payroll, Administrative Assistant includes Microsoft Office programs and business practices, and other approved training programs available in the local area.
The paid work experience program is an opportunity for young adults with little to no work history to gain real-world job experience while earning income.
Contact Computer Tutor Business and Technical Institute for more information. The program is offered at the college’s campus at 4300 Sisk Road.
Those interested can also call (209) 545-5200 or visit to chat with a live representative.
This training is funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and is available to those who qualify. This WIOA Title I financially assisted program or activity is an equal opportunity employer/program: Auxiliary aids and services are available upon requests to individuals with disabilities.