Stanislaus County Clerk Recorder and Registrar of Voters Lee Lundrigan announced the June 5, 2018 Statewide Direct Primary Election canvass of the vote was completed on Monday, June 25. Stanislaus County certified its election results which can be found posted on the election website,
California law required certification of this election on or before July 5, which is 30 days following this Election Day. Stanislaus completed the election 10 days early. This was a gubernatorial primary election and included all of Stanislaus County voters.
Over 600 volunteer election officers worked to support this Presidential Primary Election which included 23 adopt-a-poll volunteer organizations, 26 student poll workers and 13 field inspectors.
The certification of the vote includes an official summary of the results, including a hand tally of votes conducted by Stanislaus County for qualified write in candidates for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, United States Senator, State Senate Member District 12, State Assembly Member District 21 and Superintendent of Public Instruction. In those races all results from each of the counties involved must be viewed and combined to establish total votes received for qualified write-in candidates.
Stanislaus County had 236,374 registered voters eligible to cast their ballot in this election, of which 89,836 voted. There were 71,772 ballots cast by mail in Stanislaus County compared with 18,064 Stanislaus voters going to the polls on Election Day. Voter turnout was just over 38 percent in this election.
Offering a statement following the election was Stanislaus County Sheriff-Coroner elect Jeff Dirkse.
“I want to thank the voters of Stanislaus County for their confidence and trust in electing me to be your next sheriff. I have devoted my professional life to public service and am excited and humbled by the responsibility to lead an outstanding organization such as the Sheriff’s Department,” Dirkse announced in a prepared statement. “There are many challenges confronting public safety organizations. One of the biggest we face is recruiting, hiring and training qualified local men and women. That will be a priority. I look forward to working with Sheriff Adam Christianson in the next six months to address that issue as well as many others.”
Dirkse received 52 percent of the vote in the election to 48 percent for his opponent, Juan Alanis, with Dirkse polling 33,212 votes to 29,933 for Alanis.
“I also want to publicly recognize Sgt. Juan Alanis. I respect his service to our county and the commitment he also brings to public safety. I appreciated the opportunity to discuss and debate our ideas for the Sheriff’s Department,” Dirkse said. “The nearly 700 men and women in the Sheriff’s Department share a common mission: To protect the people we serve. I look forward to helping us meet that mission.”