Your reporter went out to the backyard to see what the cat was looking at in the iris clump. As I got closer I heard the rattle then saw the rattlesnake. I shooed the cat away, got the dogs in the house, yelled SNAKE-SNAKE to Lee and grabbed a shovel, all in about 10 seconds! I jumped up in the flowerbed and pinned the snake between the iris rhizomes and the railroad tie. Lee arrived as I severed the snake into three parts! It had three buttons. I wonder if it was the same snake that was out front? Are there more? Just as I got to thinking the first one was gone, this happens. Guess I won’t work in ANY flowerbeds!
The trashcans by the Community Club building were full of trash when the club met for dinner, hardly any room for the evening’s trash. Those cans are for the building and the people that rent it. Please don’t use them!
Knights Ferry was saddened to hear of the terrible accident that killed Matt Doshas. Condolences go out to Carla and family.
There is a new way to help Knights Ferry School. Link KFS to your Target REDcard and the school gets a percentage. Recently the school received $64.86. Check out the Target website or stop by the school office to learn more.
At the Community Club meeting all enjoyed the good food. The members voted to purchase a display board like on the River’s Journey building. The Pumpkin Roll is November 2nd and Gayle is taking signups for booth space. Call her at 543-2614. People commented on how bad the community garden looks. Guess it was not watered this summer.
Welcome to the area Charilyn and Mike Damigo and sons Tice and Nathan.
Glad to hear from Shanti that Reba Morgan is home from three weeks in the hospital. She is getting better and Knights Ferry wishes her a speedy recovery.
Michael and Maureen McKibban have returned from Glenn Ellen (above Sonoma) where the families gathered to celebrate their grandson Cole’s 10th birthday. Cole’s brother Luke (and family) and granddaughter Emma (and parents) enjoyed visiting and eating the soccer cake that Maureen and Michael made.