This is conference week at Knights Ferry School so the students are dismissed at 1:00 p.m.
There was a power outage for 57 homes for 8 hours last week (ours was one). The problem was caused by woodpeckers! They weakened the top of the pole by Fred and Lisa Dolling’s barn and the whole top with live wires fell to the ground at 9:15 p.m. Thankfully it missed Joe the camel. The way power is routed is crazy. The Dollings had power but Morrison and Frymire roads were out. Nothing to do but go to bed!
The Knights Ferry School has received the first quarter SHARES Save Mart check for $482.19 and from the first box top submission the school got $239.50. What a painless way to earn money. Keep using the SHARES card and cut those box tops!
Movie night will be November 23rd at 6:30 p.m. at the clubhouse. The movie will be “Mouse Hunt”. The Community Club is collecting canned goods and unwrapped toys for the holidays so bring some to movie night. Popcorn and water will be sold. The December movie night is on the 14th and will be a pajama night.
At the Knights Ferry Community Club meeting the financial results of the Pumpkin Roll were announced. They did better than last year. Everyone said how many more people there were this year. The club planned the Christmas dinner for December 5th at 6:00 p.m. Also Chris Peterson reported on the Car Show and things are going smoothly for the April event.
On Thursday, November 14th at 6:00 p.m. the school is holding a parent information night on safety. The Oakdale Police Department will discuss the added safety features and why they were implemented. All improvements were funded by safety grants, donations or deferred maintenance grants. Since 2009, 24 improvements have been made. The newest will be an emergency notification system to be installed in December.