Welcome to the world Waylon Alexander Mederos, born the 24th of April to Alec and Ashley. Proud Knights Ferry grandparents are Sherry and Mark Schlegel.
Gayle and Don Diltz have returned from N. Ogden, Utah, where they attended their daughter Korry’s graduation from Webber State University. Korry graduated Cum Laude and Gayle was presented with Korry’s sash with an appreciation badge. While there Don worked on their house. Driving home it was a white-knuckle trip. The windstorm was very fierce and Gayle said they were blown around and debris was flying around. Before they left on the trip Don almost stepped on a snake on the back patio step, not a rattler!
Former Knights Ferry resident Amanda Lamb wed Eric Beltrami in a lovely outdoor setting in Farmington. Amanda’s attendants were Savannah McCormack, Rachel Lamb, Christine Lamb and Kendra Gemberling. Eric’s men were Chance Caudle, Davey Fraser, Scott Bartholomew and Jason Hicks. Flower girl was Payton Gemberling and Ring Bearer was Cadan McCormack and flower dog was Poot. It was a lovely wedding.
At the Knights Ferry School board meeting the 3rd/4th graders had their California projects on display. Mrs. Johnson let them choose a project of early California to write, tell and display for the class. At the meeting Dakota Voortman showed and explained her wagon that was traveling west. Breanna Banks showed and told about hydraulic mining. Emalee Watson showed and explained her Mission San Carlos Borromeo (Carmel). All the other projects were displayed in the room. The Knights Ferry Parent-Teacher Club elected officers for next year. President is Kim Banks, Vice-President is Bonnie Witzke, Treasurer is Donna Verdegal and Secretary is Sarah Sundberg.
Birthday greetings for the month of May go out to: Denali Benson, Deagan Sweet, Emalee Watson, Rilyn Cassaretto, Vincent Peterson, Madison Watson, Hayden Sundberg, Dean Dodge, Jeanette Krick, Gary Page, Mary Sue Shearer, Sue Schlageter, Wendy Feichter, Mary Hight, Lyle Hight, Bob Hunter, Hanna Holland, Chris Lopez, Maria Arias, Eric Ulrich, Kelly Stanley, Jamie Coston, Laura Simons, and Danielle Frymire.
Your reporter does know the difference between striper and stripper. Unfortunately her fingers don’t!