Congratulations go out to the following Students of the Month for January at Knights Ferry School: K- Charlee Birdsong, 1-2- Layla Dennis and Ange-David Kouvassi, 3-4- Carter Sturtevant and Maribel Limon, 5-6- Jazzlynn Velasquez and Dean Dodge, 7-8- Kylee Sisco and Angel Limon. Superstars were Tristan McCarthy and Dane Sturtevant.
The Knights Ferry School board meets Thursday, February 13 at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria.
At the Knights Ferry Community Club meeting last Thursday (after a very delicious dinner), the 4-H contract to rent the clubhouse was renewed. There will be no movie nights until the weather gets warmer. The Spaghetti Dinner on March 22 was discussed and people took jobs and made donations of things needed to make this dinner a success. Help is still needed so volunteer at the March meeting. Chris Peterson gave a very informative presentation of the April 5 Classic Car Show to be held in the Ferry. The Community Club is sponsoring this event. Call Chris at (209) 402-9831 or Miles at (559) 679-4337 for a registration form or more details.
The Third and Fourth Graders at Knights Ferry School presented three skits for the Character Assembly last Friday. They showed bad, then good, examples of compassion, kindness and caring.
Keep using your SHARES cards! For the second quarter KFS got $586.02. If you need a card, get one at the office. It is an easy way to earn money for the school.
The 3-4 class of Pat Johnson went to Modesto to the Gallo Center to see and hear ArcAttack. Two brothers who made music using Tesla coils kept the place rocking.
Dinner tickets are on sale for the March 15 Dinner/Auction sponsored by the Knights Ferry Parent Teacher Club. They are $30 at the school office. David Voortman is the chairman and this year’s theme is Black and White. This is always a good dinner (Borbas are cooking) and a fun silent/live auction.