October is soon upon us so here are some dates for your calendar: October 4th Knights Ferry Community Club meeting at the clubhouse at 6:30 p.m. It is a dinner meeting. Please come and help plan the annual Pumpkin Roll. October 7th is Breakfast Sunday in the Ferry at the Odd Fellows Hall on Main Street from 8 to noon. The museum will be open also. The Knights Ferry History and Museum Associates meets Tuesday, October 9th at 9:00 a.m. in Miller’s Hall. The Knights Ferry School Board meets Thursday, October 11th at 6:00 p.m. at the school. The Knights Ferry Garden Club will meet on Wednesday, October 17, (note change) at the clubhouse at noon and bring a lunch. The annual making of pumpkin rolls is October 16, 17 and 18. The MAC meeting for October is the 25th at 7:00 p.m. at the clubhouse.
Former Knights Ferry resident Zeb Poust married Deborah Billyeu at the Rose Garden in Modesto September 14th and the reception was at the Knights Ferry Clubhouse September 15th. They are at home in Modesto.
Knights Ferry School Student Council is sponsoring “Christmas for Soldiers” and is accepting donations of hygiene items, lip balm, bug repellant, baby wipes and new socks and T-shirts. Items can be dropped off at school.
Another Former Knights Ferry person got married - Rob Hoyer married Staci Farhat in Hawaii and held their reception at the Knights Ferry Clubhouse on the 22nd. Rob is an Oakdale Rural Firefighter.
Your reporter looked out at Jim Rotelli’s pasture and it was full of Vultures! They were in the irrigation water, just cooling their feet or sitting on the fence or soaring around. I counted 50 in one area. They stayed for some time. Vultures winter over in the Ferry area.
The Sixth Grade class at Knights Ferry School spent a week at the Outdoor Education Center above Sonora. This is a favorite experience every year for the sixth grade.