Easter Sunrise Service was beautiful, clear and bright. The sun rose and shone its light on the faithful that assembled.
On last Friday at 4:30 in the morning, Bridgett Foster Silva and her husband Ron were rudely awakened by a big crash. Ron went out to check and a car had splintered the power pole in three places and creamed their fence. Power lines caught the trees on fire and were sparking. Another car was in the road and a guy was on his phone and then took off. They checked the wrecked car and no one was inside. The Fire Department and Sheriff checked for a body but the driver had escaped. Power to the area was off for quite a while. Orange Blossom was down to one lane while the new pole was installed.
Seems a large rabbit made footprints from the Ice Cream parlor to the school. Did anyone see it?
Thanks go out to Bill Hummer for mowing the front of the cemetery.
Birthday greetings for March go out to: Tom Wright, Shavon Haskell, Rocky Goehring, Pat Ramont Johnson, Aaron Hodge, Brendt Ohe, Aislinn Finn, Richard Bell, Kara Lopez, Amber Coston, Bill Martinelli, Gayle Higgins, Danna Morgan, Mark Schlegel, Kim McCarthy, Wendy Burns, Grant Page, Luke Dickens, Levi Dickens, Taylor Kelley, Gracie Anderson, Bryce Anderson, Anthony Neely, Carter Sturtevant, Ken Morris, Gerardo Martinez, Leon Pakali, Jude Krick, Joseph Morua, Dustie Johnson, and Paislee Barlow.
Condolences go out to John Krick and family upon the death of his mother, Mary.
Congratulations go out to Hanna Holland on being selected for the California Collegiate Athletic Association’s weekly softball award. Hanna was also Player of the Week at Humboldt State.
Condolences go out to the family of Virginia Gibson who died March 17th. She was active in the Odd Fellows breakfasts as the person to seat you.
Congratulations Mickie Martinelli who was chosen as Best Waitress of Grand Lakes, Oklahoma.
At the MAC meeting Thomas Boze of the County Council addressed the gate that the fire department wants to put in. The California Highway Patrol said things were quiet but be sure to call to report incidents. The community is having a clean-up day March 31 at 10 a.m. Bring weed eaters.
Knights Ferry lost a long time resident, Sherron McCarthy passed away after a short illness. She was active as Postmistress, on the Knights Ferry School Board and President of the Knights Ferry History and Museum Associates. Services to be announced.