In an effort to fix a leaky pipe near by the Community Club, locals accidently hit another pipe causing a few homes to be without water for the night!
Have you reserved your spot in Community Yard Sale on October 6, 2019 from 7am-2pm? It is free and it is the same morning as the Odd Fellows pancake breakfast! Contact Megan Peterson 209-402-4761 to reserve your free spot!
A few weekends ago, one of the sheds at the school was broken into and a backpack blower and a weed eater were stolen. If you have any information about this incident, please contact the school. It’s so sad to think that someone is stealing from our little school!
Mark your calendars for October 5th from 8am-12pm to show a little love to Knights Ferry! Community members are invited to help by raking leaves, pruning bushes, picking up garbage, and many other little tasks to tidy up the town. Please meet in front of the Community Club and if possible, bring tools to help pick up leaves and garbage such as rakes and empty garbage cans to transport leaves to the trailer for disposal!
Knights Ferry School hosted the Valley Home School for flag football and volleyball games last Friday. The Knights Ferry 5/6 and 7/8 flag football teams and the 7/8 volleyball teams won each contest. The 7/8 flag football game had an exciting ending with a touchdown pass by quarterback, Levi Dickens to win the game! Great job to all the students who participated!
The next group of Knights Ferry School students to attend Washington DC is fundraising for their trip. Support the students and feed your family with a complete fajita dinner from Cocina Michoacana. A dinner ticket will provide a fajita dinner for four; chicken fajitas, rice, beans, flour tortillas, and chips and salsa! Each ticket is $40 and the pick-up time is October 2, 2019 from 4pm-7pm. Tickets are available at Cocina Michoacana and from the students who are fundraising. If you would like to purchase tickets but are unsure where to go, please contact Christina Chan at 209-605-5140.
If you have items for the Knights Ferry News column, contact Nastasia Sweet at