The Knights Ferry Community dinner was very well attended. Folks just kept coming in bringing good food! The Oakdale High School Choir and Show Choir performed for the audience under the direction of Bryan Mills. Performing a solo duet were Breanna Cordono and Jessica Long. Attending her first dinner at the clubhouse was Annabelle Dean Schlegel with her parents Maranda and Andrew Schlegel. The food was excellent and the socialization terrific.
The River’s Edge has sold and will be closed this winter undergoing structural changes.
The Knights Ferry School board will meet Thursday, December 10th at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. They will be swearing in the new Board members and discussing the possibility of a new energy plan. All are welcome to attend.
Gary and Sharon Page are proud of their grandson Sam Page as he led the Sonora Wildcats to win the final of the Sac-Joaquin Section Division IV Championship.
Knights Ferry Elementary held their trimester Renaissance assembly. Those students at the Gold level (4.0) are: Mason O’Neil, Dylan Anderson, Hayden Cassaretto, Luke Cassaretto, Hayden Sundberg, Dakota Voortman, Denali Benson, Nicole Brunker, Olivia Doshas, Jude Krick and Matthew Wolf. At the Silver level are: Grace Harden, Jessica Martinez, River McCarthy, Vincent Peterson, Deagan Sweet, Breanna Banks, Kaden Coker, Seth Esteves, Anthony Neely, Sophia Thompson, Ryan Verkaik, Destiny Machado, Braden Souza, Jazzlynn Velasquez and Mikali Willis. Way to go students! Keep up the good work!
Don and Gayle Diltz have returned from visiting their daughter and son-in-law in Ellensburg, Oregon for Thanksgiving. While there Don supervised the work on their new home. They saw the Snoqualmie Falls, which were beautiful. Gayle shopped with her daughter at the fish market and had some great clam chowder, saw Bill Gates home on the Sound, saw the first Starbucks and ate at the Red Horse Café, which had the best tomato-ravioli soup. The only down side was the weather, snow and 9 degrees.
The Christmas parade in the Ferry was great. There were decorated golf carts, cars, ATV’s, kids on bikes, kids with dogs, Model A, the “train”, pulling a load of kids and adults, mini cars, motorbike, and the fire truck! It was great!
Sherron McCarthy’s sister Dennese Cole was up visiting from Tucson and enjoyed the parade.