Birthday wishes for November go out to: Bob Brunker Jr., Phil Frymire, John Krick, Alex Krippner, Roger Ray, Elise Seeds, Bill Higgins, Ben Cassinetto, Wyatt Dickens, Megan Miller, Jasmin Olvera, Tristan McCarthy, Megan Willis, Taylor Witzke, Alexa Boyajian, Alyssa Sisco, Dayne Sturtevant, Jenna O’Neil, Presley Wilson, Gage Perry, Randy Russell and Trent Esteves.
The annual Feast put on by the Knights Ferry Junior High was well attended. The students made placemats and table decorations with a fall/Thanksgiving theme. You were greeted at the door and welcomed by students. The students served the food and it was very good! Nicole Brunker liked hanging out with friends as they peeled potatoes. Jazzlynn Velasquez liked serving the people. Jude Krick enjoyed preparing the food. The diners enjoyed seeing the students and enjoyed the food. Dolly Haskell was proud of the children. She thought it was fantastic. Denise Crom thought the students were wonderful, polite and great! This being the Superintendent’s first year, Dr. “J” was proud of the teachers and students, and also the parent help!
The 50’s Roadhouse took down the money on the wall behind the bar again and donated it to the school. It was $400 and will help with the cafeteria.
The First and Second Graders at Knights Ferry School enjoyed Indian Tacos for their Thanksgiving celebration. They also enjoyed reading to Java, the therapy dog. Thanks to Natalie Brockman, they all got hand crocheted teddy bears!
Benny Cassinetto celebrated his birthday with a gathering at the River’s Edge for food, music and drink.
Thanks to Denise Crom for her donated Christmas tree for the Museum. The group will assemble to decorate the museum on November 30th.
Lee and Mary Sue Shearer are proud to announce that grandson Alex Krippner will be employed by Johnson Space Center, NASA, in Houston, Texas. Alex graduates from Cal Poly in December.
Hope everyone has a good holiday dinner with family and friends.