There were a lot of Knights Ferry people attending the funeral mass for Evelyn Frias. She and Bill were married almost 70 years!
September 10th is the Knights Ferry School Board meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria.
Condolences go out to Jim Rotelli on the death of his mother Kathryn, a native of Tuolumne County.
Pat Johnson’s son Will was called to the big fires in Washington State because he had training in grief counseling and firefighting experience. Three firefighters lost their lives and he was there to counsel.
Condolences also go out to Lisa Frymire and family on the death of Lisa’s father Jim Franklin.
Angie Martinelli and her sons Pete, Jake and Luke were out from Germany for a visit. The boys rode horses and got to see the champion bulls Bushwhacker and Troubadour. They enjoyed being cowboys!
At the Community Club meeting it was learned the heat and air conditioning units should be in before Pumpkin Roll. It was announced that September 19, at 10 a.m. River Journey will hold a River Cleanup Day. David Voortman is trying to put together a movie night on October 2nd showing the movie “River Raft Nightmare” that was filmed in the Ferry with Michelle Patton, her daughter Kaeli Sturtevant and Kody Simons as stunt doubles. River Journey provided safety and the logistical aspects of the production. After a tasty dinner, the speaker was Dr. Skulina, Superintendent/Principal of Knights Ferry School. She started off by taking off her T-shirt. It was from her high school. Then she took off another T-shirt, a rafting one, then that left her with an Ice Cream Tee, all which had stories behind them. Dr. “J” got her BA in English Literature, Masters in Counseling Psychology and Doctorate in Education Administration. Dr. J and the staff are excited to start Place Based Education, using the community to learn. KFS students are unstoppable!