Welcome to Knights Ferry School Kindergarteners: Paislee Barlow, Wyatt Birdsong, Alexa Bonson, Katee Conde, James Davis, Jasper Davis, Chase Dugo, Hadley Gardner, Gabriella Gonzalez, Brooke Kersten, Savanna McCarthy, Ulyzes Palafox, Jett Thompson and Transitional Kindergarteners Pablo Martinez, Bowen Sundberg and Sydney Turner. Have a great year!
Also new to Knights Ferry School this year are: Dustie Johnson, Angel Robbins and Adam Chiara in First Grade, Jonnie Wheat in Second Grade, Paul Chiara in Third Grade, David Chiara and Pakali Leon in Fourth Grade, Alexa Boyjian in Fifth Grade, Kaden Coker and Sophie Thompson in Sixth Grade, and Wyatt Roseberry in Seventh Grade. Enjoy your school year!
Last Wednesday as your reporter was driving home from Modesto smoke was billowing up and it looked like it was in the Knights Ferry area! Upon driving on 120/108 past Oakdale it was behind Sunset Oaks subdivision. Turning on Orange Blossom I went down Rodden to see what was happening. Wow! What a mess. Thankfully the fire departments with tankers, helicopters and air support stopped it before it reached the homes. Thanks again firefighters!
The August meeting of the MAC is the 27th at 7:00 p.m. at the community clubhouse.
Condolences go out to the Frias family on the death of Evelyn. Bill and Evelyn have lived on Frymire Road for many years. Funeral plans were not known when this article had to go to press.
Back to School night is August 26th. K-4 grade classrooms will be open from 6:00 to 6:20 p.m., then all parents will meet in the multipurpose room for a presentation. The 5-8 rooms will be open from 7:00 to 7:2p.m.
Condolences go out to Valley Home and the Taro family on the death of Tony Taro.
Thanks to the firefighters, with helicopter etc. that attacked the grass fire near Shell Road last Saturday afternoon.
September is soon upon us! Thursday, September 3rd is the Community Club meeting and dinner. It starts at 6:30 p.m. at the clubhouse. Dr. Janet Skulina, Superintendent/Principal of Knights Ferry School, will be the speaker. Sunday, September 6th, is breakfast in the Ferry, 8:00 a.m. ‘til noon. Knights Ferry Garden Club starts their year with a meeting at the home of Ellen Wearin at 10:00 a.m. Dues of $10.00 are due. The MAC meets September 24th at 7:00 p.m. in the clubhouse.
The “Sock Hop” at the River’s Edge was well attended with lots of good food and dancing.