What a beautiful weekend in Knights Ferry! Saturday was the Knights Ferry Classic Car Show and over 100 cars and trucks lined Main Street Knights Ferry from the Knights Ferry Hotel all the way to the River’s Edge. The sun was shining on the crowds of people enjoying their walk down Main Street with some type of food or drink in hand. We even had law enforcement patrolling the streets on horses! The cars and trucks were all unique works of art; it was impressive to see the hand-drawn flames and preservation or restoration of the cars and trucks. Thank you to the Knights Ferry Community Club for hosting a great day in Knights Ferry.
The Knights Ferry School Parent Teacher Club is hosting a free Outdoor Movie Night up at the school on April 8 beginning at 6:30pm. They will be showing Sing 2 and the 6th and 8th graders will be selling concessions to support Science Camp and graduation. Bring your blanket and/or chairs and join in the fun!
The Rebekahs are hosting a Mother’s Day brunch on May 7 from 10am-2pm. Tickets are $10 each and reservations must be made by April 27. Please call Shirley at 209-247-6686 to reserve your tickets.
Do you have any exciting Knights Ferry local news to share? Contact Nastasia Sweet at nastasiasweet25@gmail.com
Weekly reminders: Community Club meeting at 6:30pm on April 7, 2022. Odd Fellows Rebekahs #361 meeting at 7pm on April 13, 2022.