Mr. Lee Shearer’s 90th birthday party was a well-attended gathering on the Odd Fellow tennis courts on Sunday, April 25. All hands were on deck to plan such a party including Patti Sandoval, Cindy Davis, and Vicki Krippner. All those who attended were served a delicious lunch including oysters, tri-tip, chicken, a variety of side salads, and cupcakes. Andy Sandoval and Scott Krippner cooked the tri-tip and chicken using a smoker! Most of Lee’s family attended the party and even some of his coworkers from his days working in probation in the Modesto area. Even Knights Ferry School classmates, Jean Dyer, Joan Taylor, and Carol Davis took part in the party! Overall, Mary Sue said Lee had a very enjoyable 90th birthday! It was full of delicious food, good weather, family and friends in the heart of Knights Ferry. I have a feeling Lee will spend the next few days reading his birthday cards! Happy 90th birthday, Mr. Shearer!
Chris Peterson led the Community Club’s spaghetti feed fundraiser with the help of most of the club members. Carmen Frymire has helped prep the spaghetti dinner noodles for many years and this year was no exception! We are very lucky to have so many pillars in our town without which we would not be the same small town we are today. Chris said the fundraiser went well as they served just under 200 meals. Most people took their meals to go while some stayed nearby and ate their meals together. The spaghetti dinner fundraiser has been a Community Club prominent fundraising event and it was nice to see everyone work together again!
The East Stanislaus Fire Safe Council is hosting a Fire Safety and Community Preparedness Presentation at the Community Club on May 6 starting at 5:30pm. They will have information about Emergency Preparedness from Cal Fire, Evacuation Preparedness (including evacuation notices) the Stanislaus County Sheriff, and Public Safety Power Shutoffs from PG&E. Immediately following this presentation the Community Club will have their monthly potluck and meeting so be sure to bring a dish to share and stay for the meeting!
The Knights Ferry School dinner and auction fundraiser has officially sold out of tri-tip dinner tickets but you can still participate in the auction portion of the fundraiser. Don’t miss out on this exciting fundraiser to purchase new playground equipment at the school. You can text KFSauction to 76278 or visit to sign up. You must have access on a computer, Chromebook, tablet, or smart phone.
Weekly meeting reminders: Odd Fellows Pancake breakfast May 2, 2021 from 8am-12pm. Odd Fellows-Stanislaus #170 meeting at 7:30pm on May 4, 2021.
Do you have any exciting Knights Ferry local news to share? Contact Nastasia Sweet at