Happy birthday to all my friends with birthdays in February: Bob Muller, Steve Feichter, Mekenda Mendonca, River McCarthy, Jaycee Harden, John Phefferly, Shaela Borba, Brendan Finn, Ed Cassinetto, Bill Telfair, Bernie Foster, Tim Hudelson, Jake Martinelli, Holly Hixon, Matthew Wolf, Lily Sturtevant, Jaden Jackson, Olivia Doshas, Heaven Tucker, Isaac Sousa, Mikali Willis, Allison Blanc, and Lennex Martinelli-Rowe!
The sixth graders at Knights Ferry School participated in Black History Month by researching and creating poster board presentations of iconic figures to share with the whole school including: Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Martin Luther King, Jr., Elizabeth Coleman, Mary Mahoney, Serena Williams, Ella Baker, Daniel H. Williams, Michael Jordan, Rosa Parks, and Simone Biles.
March will be a very busy month for Knights Ferry! We have the school dinner/auction fundraiser, Odd Fellows St. Patrick’s Day dinner, Civil War reenactments, and the Spaghetti feed fundraiser at the Community Club.
The school dinner/auction fundraiser is this weekend on March 9 at the Community Club. The Odd Fellows are hosting St. Patrick’s Day dinner on March 16 with social hour at 1pm and dinner at 2pm. Tickets are for $15 per adult and $7 for children 10 and younger! Call 209-247-6686 by March 11 to reserve your spot! The Civil War reenactments are Saturday, March 23 and Sunday, March 24 near the Covered Bridge. Battle times on Saturday will be 1pm and 4pm and Sunday will be 11am and 2pm. The American Civil War Association volunteers welcome everyone to tour the camps from 9am-5pm each day. Finally, on Saturday March 23, the Odd Fellows will have a pancake breakfast for $8 a plate from 7am-11am and the Community Club will host their annual Spaghetti dinner fundraiser. The Spaghetti dinner fundraiser will be from 5pm-8pm and will be $10 a plate.
Do you have any exciting Knights Ferry local news to share? Contact Nastasia Sweet at nastasiasweet25@gmail.com.
Upcoming events: Community Club meeting on March 7 at 6:30pm. KFS dinner/auction fundraiser at the Community Club on March 9 at 6pm. Miller’s Hall meeting on March 12 at 9am. Chess Club on March 12 at 6:30pm. Odd Fellows meeting Rebekahs #361 on March 14 at 7pm.