Check out the new custom and hand painted “Welcome to historic Knights Ferry” sign on the west side of town. The sign was painted by the extremely talented Michelle Patton and features crisp white lettering with a picture of the Covered Bridge in the bottom right corner.
The eighth graders took their highly anticipated eighth grade trip to Six Flags last Friday. The end of the year brings a lot of field trips and end of the year parties, it is a very busy time but the kids really enjoy the fun times. Next week, the Jr High will travel to the Bay Area for the day.
Remember to turn in registration paperwork for the 2018-2019 school year to Knights Ferry School by May 25. For details contact the office 209-881-3382.
Kindergarten promotion and eighth grade graduation is on Thursday, May 31. The kindergarten promotion starts at 5 p.m. and the eighth grade graduation starts at 7 p.m. There will be cake and punch served after the graduation. The last day of school is Friday, June 1.
For those who are interested in the future of Knights Ferry School, there will be a special board meeting on Wednesday, May 23 at 6 p.m. The Board of Trustees would like to gather information for the planning of the school’s future. Community members are invited to share their thoughts, ideas, and issues.
There has been a mountain lion sighting on the east side of town. Thankfully they haven’t hurt any local pets and seem to be minding their own business. Be sure to keep an eye on pets in the evening, especially smaller pets.
If you have items for the Knights Ferry News column, contact Nastasia Sweet at