Interested in sponsoring a local Knights Ferry family for Christmas? The school has a tree with tags for each student and family who expressed a need during this holiday season. Each family member has asked for something such as wash cloths, a baby doll, a new frying pan, a jacket, etc. Please visit the school during business hours or contact Kim McCarthy (209) 480-4878 to get information about a family you can help this holiday season.
The Christmas parade in Knights Ferry was on Sunday. Many of the townspeople decorated their golf carts, trailers, and trucks with decorations and donned their most festive outfits for the parade. Lee Hetzler had the honor of leading the parade on Benny’s trailer. This year Benny’s “Cassinetto Cave Cooking Academy” tossed cookies out to the crowd and Rodolph the pony towed a cart with a few elves! A lot of people ate breakfast at the Odd Fellows, shopped around town, and enjoyed the gorgeous day while they waited for the parade to start.
Calling all carolers! Christmas carolers are invited to meet in front of Kim McCarthy’s house on Main Street on December 9th at 5:15pm to walk the town and sing carols to the locals! Dress warm and bring your families and friends.
The Knights Ferry Hotel has new owners! Josh and Michelle Patton have purchased the historic hotel from Tim and Dorothy McKinsey. Congratulations to the newest homeowners in town!
The Community Club’s annual Christmas dinner is on December 6th at 6pm. The Club members have trimmed the tree and decorated the tables in preparation for the event. The high school choir will sing to the crowd after a tasty dinner. The Club will provide the turkey, ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, and the rolls and butter. They ask that each family bring a side dish or a dessert to share.
The Club will be accepting donations of unwrapped toys and food to be donated to local families in the area. This should go without saying but please be sure to check the expiration dates.
Santa is helping Orange Blossom 4-H raise money for their activities at The Corner Store in Oakdale on December 8th from 5pm-8pm. Families can have their picture taken with Santa for only $5!
Patty Mack notified me that Merna Jergens passed away. My sincere condolences go out to Merna’s family and friends.
The Knights Ferry Bobcats will play their entire soccer season in one week because last week’s game against Roberts Ferry had to be rescheduled. Thursday and Friday are home games in Knights Ferry. Come out and support your Bobcats on Thursday against Roberts Ferry and Friday against Valley Home! Game times are approximately at 11am. The Jr High class with have a store with snacks and drinks during the games.
Troy Peterson made his acting debut in “The Trial of Ebenezer” at the Gaslight Theater in Denair. Troy played two characters, Jacob Marley and Bob Cratchit.
Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Thursday, December 6 at 6pm Christmas at the Community Club
Tuesday, December 11 at 9am Miller’s Hall Meeting
Wednesday, December 12 at 7:30pm Odd Fellows Rebekahs #361 meeting
If you have items for the Knights Ferry News column, contact Nastasia Sweet at