Happy birthday to everyone with an October birthday: Sydney Turner, Angelina Hyde, Caden Burd, James Neely, Avignon Poncabare, Nicholas Gonzalez, Cole Dugo, Carson Merritt, Jim Boyer, Carol Davis, Bev Noe, Dick Muniain, Lisa Dolling, Mike Ohe, Nathaniel VanRyn, Lis Whaler, Alec Ray, Andrew Schlegel, Austin Page, Dusty Hobbs, and Bailey Stepp!
There is still no official statement from the Community Club about the Pumpkin Roll. They will update their website soon.
If your Club is interested taking on a small project during our Love Knights Ferry Day, please contact Heather at the Creamery! We will meet in front of the Community Club on Saturday, October 24th at 8am and we invite all who love Knights Ferry! Even if you’re not from Knights Ferry but are interested in keeping it beautiful, please join us!
Please keep the Ulrich and the Shuper families in your thoughts and in your prayers! As many of us know, they are facing some very tough times and they could use the positive energy.
Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Wednesday, October 14 at 7:30pm Odd Fellows Rebekahs #361 meeting
Thursday, October 15 at 7:30pm Odd Fellows Bald Mtn Encampment #4 meeting
Do you have any exciting Knights Ferry local news to share? Contact Nastasia Sweet at nastasiasweet25@gmail.com.