Mary Turner and friends started the New Year by cleaning up and organizing the Read and Return Library located inside the Miller’s Hall building. The library is looking for a gently used couch. Please contact Mary Turner if you have a couch you would be willing to donate to the library! I will also be happy to pass the message to Mary! The Read and Return Library is home to numerous books for all ages and they are all free to read and return when finished. Thank you, Mary Turner for taking care of the library.
Locals alert! There was an attempted break-in to a house in town. They were unsuccessful but it is a great reminder to lock doors. One of the most important things to do if you suspect someone tried to break into your home is to call the authorities. They document our incidents and it helps to give the authorities an idea of where they need to direct their efforts in our area.
Check out the chalk board at the Post Office for upcoming meetings for fire protection. A hot topic the ongoing search for possible funding options to continue fire protection in our area, this includes the possibility for a special tax increase to be put on the March ballot. Contact Dolly Haskell for important meeting dates!
The Bobcats are back to school in the new year and they are getting ready for soccer games, field trips, and settling back into the classroom.
Heads up to all the fishermen and fisherwomen in the area. The river is open for fishing each year from January 1st to March 31st and from the fourth Saturday in May to October 31st. There are special regulations that restrict bait, size, and possession limits. The entire river is closed to fishing from November 1st to December 31st to protect the fall Chinook salmon run.
Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Tuesday, Jan 14 at 9am Miller’s Hall meeting
If you have items for the Knights Ferry News column, contact Nastasia Sweet at