Happy birthday to all the July birthdays: Gordon Griesner, Kathy Mangante, Diane Boyer, Kay Martinelli, Bonnie Witzke, Vira Segni, Tasha Sweet, Kylea Coston, Chris Roek, Maureen and Michael McKibban, Barbara Shook, Wyatt Sousa, Alexa Bonson, Jax Poncabare, Adrian Arias, Kyla Ryan, Xavier Olivera, Maria Pineda, Tom Cassinetto, Makena Merritt, Kylie Greyshock-Nay, Paul Chiara, and the United States of America!
Happy 4th of July! Remember to use safety and caution when using fireworks, Knights Ferry is quite dry around this time of the year!
Knights Ferry Community Church’s Vacation Bible School was a tremendous success. Approximately 65 children attended each day ready to sing, do crafts, and eat a delicious spread of snacks. Even though it is free to attend VBS, they do an offering but not one cent is kept for the program. This year the offering went toward the Salvation Army Program, The Red Shield. This year, VBS will donate $234.39 to the kid’s program in the Modesto Red Shield Home! The final day, special visitor, Liam helped with worship music. Liam is leaving with his family on a mission to Africa for one year and the kids prayed for them.
Nancy Redden and Heather Wright accompanied by numerous volunteers put on a spectacular three-day extravaganza. The kids ended the week with a swim party. Many of the volunteers do not have kids attending but enjoy seeing the kids learn about Jesus. Nancy, Virginia, Diane, Dara, Lydia, Tami, Carolyn, Leslie created an extraordinary snack/meal for each day while Miles, Miguel, and Uncle Dave manned the BBQ. Larry Hunt and Larry Bell, Dorothy, Tim and family helped with the set up and decorations. Isabelle, Logan, Audrey, Ray, Cadence, Kylie, Pastor Henry taught classes. Kaeli, Amanda, Randy, and Charilyn led worship. Vincent introduced the offering. Heather, Joyce, Kim, Julia, and Tasha helped with crafts.
Heather Wright said this was her 30th year at VBS but she knows it has been going on long before that. Mark your calendars with the VBS dates for next year, June 25-27 of 2019!
Julia Vierhus travelled all the way from San Jose, Ca to assist with VBS. She is the granddaughter of Joyce Reed. She has helped for many years and enjoys working with the crafts. I can personally attest to her amazing craft skills this year!
On Tuesdays, the General Store has $2 Tacos. There is a delicious salsa bar and your choice of meat. Sounds like a great option if it’s too hot to heat up the kitchen this summer!
It took a mixture of community volunteers and student families armed with power tools and elbow grease to assemble five classrooms worth of desks and chairs. Lynn was the leader of the task and was happy to have some help. The new desks look so fancy! Thank you to all who gave their morning to help!
Correction from last week’s article: Nancy Patton’s shop is called Knights Ferry Home, not Knights Ferry Made!
Upcoming Events/Meetings:
Thursday, July 5 at 6:00pm Annual July Picnic at the Community Club
Tuesday, July 10 at 9:00am Miller’s Hall meeting
Wednesday, July 11 at 9:00am Garden Club meeting
If you have items for the Knights Ferry News column, contact Nastasia Sweet at nastasiasweet25@gmail.com.