After receiving information of a possible marijuana grow inside a residence, and with the passage of a recent city ordinance prohibiting marijuana cultivation – medicinal or otherwise – Oakdale Police conducted a check of the East J Street residence and discovered a number of pot plants.
Police Sergeant Joe Carrillo said that on Thursday March 10, just after noon, officers made contact at the residence and received consent from an occupant to search the home. During the search, officers discovered 159 marijuana plants in different areas of the house and in various stages of growth.
“The evidence indicated that the entire residence was being used for the cultivation and processing of marijuana,” Carrillo said.
As a result of the search, the department is filing a criminal complaint with the Stanislaus County District Attorney’s Office against Noah Grissom, 32, for violating the city anti-cultivation ordinance.
In December of last year the Oakdale City Council amended the city’s municipal code to prohibit both the cultivation and delivery of medical marijuana.
The city felt the need for the ban because several California cities had reported negative impacts of marijuana cultivation and distribution, including foul odors, masked illegal sales and distribution of marijuana, trespassing, theft, violent robberies and robbery attempts, fire hazards, and problems associated with mold, fungus, and pests.