The special events through the ‘Astronomy in the Park’ program continue, with the next one scheduled for Saturday, March 25. Featured will be: The Pleiades, Perseus Double Cluster, with viewing starting at 7:20 p.m.
Presented by The Stockton Astronomical Society, Oak Grove Docent Council and San Joaquin County Parks, the events are scheduled at Oak Grove Regional Park, I-5 at Eight Mile Road, Stockton. There is a $6 cash parking fee, programs are staged weather permitting. There is no additional charge to attend the Astronomy Nights other than the parking cost.
View planets through giant telescopes after sunset.
Additional programs and times on the scheduled through June include:
Saturday, April 29, 8 p.m. – M81 and M82 (Bodes Galaxies).
Saturday, May 27, 8:20 p.m. – Mars, Venus, Whale Galaxy.
Saturday, June 24, 8:30 p.m. – Star Cluster, Whirlpool Galaxy.
For more information about the programs, call 209-953-8800.