It seems only fitting that a ‘mommy’ would be so overtaxed that she would need to wait until after Mother’s Day to actually produce a column about said event.
Typically, I’m good about getting a column about such an important day written and turned in well before the date is looming. This year — that would not be the case.
With a work schedule just as hectic as my personal schedule, this year days have just snuck up on me. Now, when I say ‘days’ I mean it quite literally. It is not uncommon for me to turn to someone on any given day and emphatically ask, “Is tomorrow really… (insert any day of the week here)?”
Time is truly racing by and it is a race I seem to be losing … or maybe winning — depending on how you view things.
The good news is: life is passing by, because I do my best at making the most of every minute. This of course includes downtime, for the whole family. Reading a good book, taking a nap (on occasion) and picnics at the park are all great ‘downtime’ opportunities.
But how did I miss getting this written in time for the issue of May 4?
Well, I guess I can blame it on my son and Oakdale schools. That might make me feel better.
Now, now … halt your letter writing and hear me out.
Spring Break this year was the last week of April, Easter was late. Perhaps I should be blaming this on the Vernal Equinox. Yes, that sounds much better. I’ll leave Oakdale schools to a colleague, I’m happy there.
So, to recap, Easter came late, which affected Spring Break, which affected my work schedule and then … It was May and now Mother’s Day … done.
I also missed Teacher Appreciation Week, which has also driven me nuts beyond words.
Taking advantage of my one simple perk as a newspaper employee, I would like to publicly thank Mrs. Arsenio at Magnolia Elementary School and the marvelous staff at the Learning Tree Pre-School.
Fortunately, in spite of having me as their mother, both of my children have been in the hands of good, caring people this past year. While they may come home to myself and their father, they are loved all day long by some amazing and trustworthy people. So, I would like to publicly apologize for missing the — ahem…total week — but I do truly appreciate each of you.
Now that the air has been cleared, I have to admit, I still find it amazing that I am indeed a mother. The notion of Mother’s Day is a wonderful thing, even if it does bring with it a little pressure.
There is always the question of ‘What do you want to do?’ or ‘Should we make special plans?’
Last year we did absolutely nothing … and I loved every minute of it.
In the past year I have lost close to 55 pounds, so now the notion of doing absolutely nothing for a whole day … well, it’s a little inconceivable. Playing hide and seek, running around a park, flying a kite or splashing in the pool are now my favorite low key activities to do with the kids.
Then of course there is the topic of the gift, which I also find strange. I longed for each of my children for so many years; I truly cannot imagine a gift better than each of them.
So, what is the purpose really of this rant about my forgetfulness? That’s the simple part.
If you are a mother, I hope you see your gifts and not just on Mother’s Day. I hope you still tell your children you love them and sneak a hug when their friends are not looking.
If you love your mother and she is still here within reach, I hope you not only allow her to love you this way — but love her just as much.
As mothers we rest differently than others. Putting our minds in neutral is next to impossible. Our children do not only consume our time, they consume our minds.
We are the vessels who have been trusted to guide them, to love them and to nurture them until they are ready to stand freely on their own. It is a responsibility some cannot rise up to and others just simply wonder: how did I get so lucky?
Teresa Hammond is a staff reporter for The Oakdale Leader, The Riverbank News and The Escalon Times. She may be reached at or by calling 847-3021.