We Need Measure H
Dear Editor,
Fellow Oakdale Family and Friends, please join me in supporting Measure H. Most of you know about Measure O and Measure Y, which is the half cent sales tax that goes to our fire, police, Senior Center, street lights, and street sweeping. This ISN’T a new tax, only an extension of Measure Y. I’m not too fond of taxes, however this one stays right here in Oakdale. Help keep our community safe!
Cherilyn Bairos
Mayor pro-tem
Vice President Oakdale Enrichment society
Vice President Oakdale Soccer Club
President IMDES
Lifetime Oakdale Resident
Keep Community Safe
Dear Editor,
I have lived in the City of Oakdale for many years and I am proud to call it home. We have the safest community in Stanislaus County and I want to keep it that way. Measure H provides funding for police and fire services as well as funding for our Senior Center. Join me in November and vote Yes on Measure H. Measure H well help keep our community safe and maintain the high quality of life we all enjoy.
Mickey Peabody